Monday 13 May 2013

Convergence of annual net earnings in Europe

Péter Sulán, ICEG European Center

Without rushing to conclusions, or trying to draw any, I believe that for many people in Europe the below 6 charts about the 15 years of the European convergence process contains surprises.

In all charts Germany represents 100%.
All data source: Eurostat

Chart 1. Gross domestic product at market prices (EUR per inhabitant)

Chart 2. Gross domestic product at market prices (Purchasing Power Standard per inhabitant)

Chart 3. Gross national income at market prices (EUR per inhabitant)

Chart 4. Gross national income at market prices (Purchasing Power Standard per inhabitant)

Chart 5. Annual net earnings – Two-earner married couple, one at 100%, the other at 100% of AW, with two children (EUR)

Chart 6. Annual net earnings – Two-earner married couple, one at 100%, the other at 100% of AW, with two children (Purchasing Power Standard)

This post features the author's personal view and does not represent the view of ICEG European Center.